Corporate Positive Attitude and Stress Management Training Program
People, of all ages irrespective of their social status, education, marital status and life's hardship face stress. It is part of living, growing inside and striving to adjust in the ever-changing socio-cultural environment. Both negative and positive stressors can bring physiological and cognitive changes within the person. The consequences depend on how it is being interpreted, measures taken to reduce it, and coping strategies. A worker when promoted in the job (positive event) or a person who is facing personal crisis (negative event) has stress. No one can escape from stress. Stress is closely related with life events and human expectations. Thus, each stressor is unique and its effect depends on how it is being thought, experienced and realized.
Industrialization, modernization and the technological changes along with rapidly changing socio-cultural scenario and family values have demanded challenges in human lives. The world is rapidly shrinking into a global village. People and the concept of needs, expectations, priorities, values, and life satisfaction are rapidly changing. The cumulative impact of such changes and challenges demand people to be more active, creative and multi-tasked. Life has become more complicated than in the past. People feel more stressful than they are biologically and psychologically capable to handle them. The Yogis isolated from modern life and its challenges and meditating in places far from madding crowd have less stress. People lost in spiritual world are less burdened with demands than people living in modern societies with day-to-day life's challenges. Yet, stress is unavoidable.
Job / Work Stress
In the context of job, job/work stress can be viewed as an individual's reaction to the characteristics of work environment that appear psychologically threatening. It generally indicates a poor fit between the individual's abilities and the work environment, in which excessive demands are regularly made of the individual or the individual is not fully equipped to handle a particular situation. If stress becomes chronic the individual does not fully recover between workdays, causing lasting physiological strain, which may result in stress-related disease.
Job stress, in the developed countries, has often been labeled as one of the most serious occupational hazards. Work-related stress affects employee health, with 50 to 80 percent of all diseases being psychosomatic or stress-related in nature. In addition, job related stress results in organizational problems of job dissatisfaction, burnout, high absenteeism, low organizational commitment, bored, disengaged, unproductive and marginal job performance. Question of management goes to “How do I get my team to function to the best of its ability”?
Stress and Health
Stresses provide negative impact in human health. It creates psychosomatic disease. Stress is the main cause of downgrading the personal creativity in any person. Stress is the main cause of many diseases. Its impacts are seen in multiple phases of health & multiple organs. Physically, mentally, socially human health is affected by stress.
Stress related diseases are:
- Gastrointestinal Disease
- Cardio Vascular Disease
- Respiratory Disease
- Musculoskeletal Disease
Stress and emotions
Stress and emotion are co-related and are source of information that creates emotion. Each emotion is brought about by different appraisal of the personal significance of an adaptation encounter.
Effects of stress are:
- Physical effects
- Mental effects
- Emotional effects
- Behavioral effects
- Social effects and
- Spiritual effects
Stress and organizational impact are co-related. Stress reduces work efficiency of human. Resources and its direct impact go to organization. It is one of the greatest challenges for organization and employee both.
Stress management and its’ challenges
Human beings are social as well as situational beings, many times; we cannot do the same work as per our plan nor we can perform the role obliged to do. So, we want to do one thing but face other obstacles, sometimes we face such a situation that we are not supposed to face. Because of such upheavals in our life style, there occur obstructions in our aim and goal, disturbance in our target and loopholes in our performances. Due to these unexpected metonymies, we get nervous and stress haunted by our psychology. The life events can't be ignored. Since social events create stress level, the professional carrier job related pressure and obstacles cannot be ignore, we need to face them.
Balance stress to be more productive, creative, effective, healthier and happier both at work and at the home. When people are less stressed they are much more creative on the other hand, stressful employees are not effective and they may be negatively influencing the workplace environment and their colleagues. Teach your employees how they can deal with stress and become better at preventing mental and physical burnout.
Stress management program boosts well-being and develops coping skills that improve posture, reduce stress, release tension, condition muscles, prevent injury, enhance confidence, improve social relationships, nourish mind, body and soul and reduces work based disease. Stress management program provides physical, mental and spiritual health to create a workforce that is energetic, inspired, passionate, determined, zingy, wholehearted, peppy, spirited, zestful, stimulated and focused for the achievement of the goal.
Benefits for the Organization
- To find out the stress level among the employees.
- Measurement of stress resilience capacity among the employees.
- To provide tools and techniques to manage the stress.
- Proper goal setting.
- Increase work performance.
- Inspire, happiness creates pleasant environment among staff in the work place.
- Decrease absenteeism
- Increase self-esteem
- Team strengthening
- Increase financial performance.
- A more vibrant workforce
- Enhance customer service
- Staff appreciation
- Proper follow of all rules and regulations
- Organization pioneer
- Enhance organization profile
- To achieve best results etc.
Benefits for the Employees
- Physical and mental stress relief
- Increase stress resilience capacity
- Develop coping strategies
- Improve problem solving abilities
- Enhance creativity
- Job satisfaction and accomplishment
- Mental clarity
- Increase productivity
- A positive mental attitude
- Feels revitalize
- Dynamism
- Improve focus and motivation
- Increase enthusiasm and effectiveness
- Feel responsible for their own health
- Ability to create a life-work synergy
- Happiness workplace
- Employees become healthy corporate ambassadors etc.
How to manage stress?
Organizational strategies and individual strategies can be make for stress management. Single afford cannot be cope the situation.
The stress resilience capacity should be increased in each and every person there is no any alternatives to prevent him or her from the bad effect of stress. Low stress resilience capacity is the main cause of bad effects. Stress minimizes human's creative capacity; it decreases productivity and affects on physical, mental and spiritual health.
If any person increases stress resilience capacity stress can't affect deeply at the same time, otherwise, low and average level stress also affect human in every pace of life. The need of today is to save everyone from the effects of stress.
Stress management program
We provide program for stress management purpose. It includes Theoretical class & Practice class. Both type of class focus to the employees and they will be able to achieve the knowledge and apply the skills in their life to reduce stress.
Duration of time:
Half-day program (3.5 hr.)
(A) Psychological assessment session
- Case history
- Stress level test
- Stress resilience level test
We will measure these test as confidential. It will be notify to participates only who need personal counseling.
(B) Power point presentation
- Introduction, definition, types, causes and effects of stress
- Tools, techniques, methods and strategies to manage stress
(C) Practice class
- Relaxation techniques
- Stress resilience capacity increasing methods by Yoga and natural health
- Practice method and continuity
(D) Discussion and questionnaire session
Number of participants: Up to 20 participants are appropriate for better performance and proper class management.
Budget/Cost of program: We take into consideration of your staff’s demand to manage stress. We can provide, training as per your need. Training facilities are available at your company's budget, to offer you the most suitable package.
Venue: We provide program at your convenient place.
Full-day program (7 hr.)
(A) Psychological assessment session
- Case history
- Stress level test
- Stress resilience level test
We will measure these test as confidential. It will be notify to participates who need personal counseling.
(B) Power point presentation
- Introduction, definition, types, causes and effects of stress
- Tools, techniques, methods and strategies to manage stress
(C) Practice class
- Relaxation techniques
- Stress resilience capacity increasing methods by yoga and natural health
- Practice method and continuity
(D) Work shop
(E) Spirituality
(F) Discussion and questionnaire session
Number of participants: Up to 20 participants are appropriate for better performance and proper class management.
Budget/Cost of program: We take into consideration of your staff’s demand to manage stress. We can provide, training as per your need. Training facilities are available at your company's budget, to offer you the most suitable package.
Venue: We provide program at your convenient place.
Four (4) days program(8hr.),per day 2hr. morning or evening time. This program has practice
highlighted, Psychological assessment session, Power point presentation and practice class
are included. Participate can practice, make posture, correction all are included in this.
Budget/Cost of program: We take into consideration of your staff’s demand to manage stress. We can provide, training as per your need. Training facilities are available at your company's budget, to offer you the most suitable package.
This model of full day program provide in natural beautiful place, far from city area. Cost of this program is as per group size and venue.
This training program is run by our organizations’ Founder Dr. Bal Krishna .He has got Ph.D. in “Stress Management” by Yoga and Naturopathy. He is a Naturopathic physician and psychological counsilor. He is working to creating awareness and consciousness about individual, organization and society use his great knowledge to promote physical, mental and spiritual health by ensuring modern knowledge Psychology, Health science as well as eastern philosophy, art, literature, science and more through secret texts such as Veda,Upanisad,Purana , Bhagavad Geeta and others. His mission is to share knowledge and experience of more than 15 years in this field to national and international level.