Posted on 2019-11-16


Planning a career in yoga teaching? Well, before you set out for the same, there are some preparations you definitely have to make. It is indeed impossible for you to enjoy some awesome training without taking good care of some issues. But just what issues are these? And just how do they impact your teacher training?

Well, we have prepared this guide to answer those questions and indeed, so much more. As you read through, you will receive the insight you need to make your yoga teacher training a hassle-free experience. At the tail end of our discussions, we are sure you will be appropriately equipped for your training.


Basic Historical Background

Needless to say, it is important to garner some basic historical background of the subject matter of yoga. Such a background shall give you the head start you need to take your lessons smoothly and seamlessly. Among these are where exactly yoga originated from, its basics and benefits to the body.

Read Relevant Yoga Literature

As part of obtaining a basic historical background in yoga, you have to read some relevant literature. These will acquaint you with the finer basics of the sport like the meditation, mantra, philosophy, and anatomy. Some of the books to consider laying your hands on are:

  • Light on Yoga (Paperback) – B.K.S. Iyengar

  • Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha – Satyananda Saraswati

  • Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Satyananda Saraswati

  • Key Muscles of Yoga: Your Guide to Functional Anatomy in Yoga – Ray Long

Convenient Time Schedule

Now move on to narrow down to a convenient time schedule. This is when exactly you intend to embark on that training. It also spells out the total duration of time you plan to devote to that subject matter. As a note, yoga training takes too long. It ranges from 200+ hours to in excess of days and months.

Appropriate Teacher Training Schools

After deciding when to embark on the training, you now have to ascertain the educational institution which shall carry out the training altogether. You will have to carry out thorough research on the many schools available and what they have to offer. A good school must have a long experience and be appropriately equipped for the job.

Settle on a Budget

Yoga teacher training, like any other undertaking, requires some money to pursue. You should hence settle on a suitable budget for the job. Generally speaking, the best training package has to be affordable yet comprehensive enough to cover every aspect of your training. This is perhaps the best stage to determine how you will raise the amount altogether.

Location of Training

Choosing a training school and of itself is not enough. You also have to be mindful of the location wherein the school is located. A good location should give you hands-on experience and exposure to the sites that the recreational activity may have transpired before naturally. Nepal, India, and Thailand are three very irresistible locations.

Practice Yoga Periodically

It is not enough to gain head knowledge alone. Indeed, some practice to that end will suffice. You should hence practice yoga daily at least for certain duration of time. This need not necessarily happen in reality. You might get online and stream some video contents, which touch on the same subject.

Prepare your Travel Documents

In case the location where you plan to enroll in for the training is outside your home area, you have to prepare your travel documents appropriately. Among these are the visas, passports, air tickets, and vaccinations. Some countries like India have lengthy and laborious visa application processes. You have to start early to beat the system.

Make your Body Healthy

Prior to your departure to the venue of the training, you have to make your body healthier. This is a feat that you achieve principally by eating well, resting adequately, and consuming plenty of freshwaters. By making your body stronger and healthier, you get prepared adequately to tackle the rigorous training.

Pack your Toiletries

Many training institutions do not provide toiletries. These are nonetheless very important in that they contribute towards making you comfortable and properly maintained all the time. You hence have to make separate arrangements to pack and carry them for your use. Examples of these are:

  • Soap

  • Bathing sponge

  • Towel

  • Tissue paper

  • Toothbrush

  • Toothpaste

  • Shoe polish

Prepare yourself psychologically

Like any other activity, yoga too has its own fair share of surprises. These may, unfortunately, weigh you down if you do not prepare appropriately for them. You hence have to prepare yourself psychologically for the same. Some of the things to anticipate are the fact that some people will perform better than you, the excess fatigue, which the activity inflicts and the relatively complicated nature of the sport.

Narrow down to your Yoga Style of Choice

Yoga comes in many styles and shades. These are Yin yoga, Astanga, Vinyasa, Kundalini, and Hatha. Each of these styles requires its own methodology of practicing and the endurance levels. It is important to narrow down to a specific style and fashion of your liking. This way, it will be possible to prepare accordingly for the same.


As a bonus, we would wish to let you know that the earlier you start out, the better for you. That way, you will hardly overlook anything. Also, it will be possible for you to seek appropriate clarifications that might be necessary for your utmost performance in the yoga teacher training later.

So when do you plan to pack your bags? Put differently: how soon should we anticipate you? Kindly let us know so that we may prepare adequately for the same. Dragging your feet too much is not advised at all. You might end up spending more for the same training later.