Everything about YTT in Nepal

Everything about YTT in Nepal

Posted on 2017-11-27

Most people are usually confused about the Yoga Teacher Training Course. This course is totally intended for beginners. You do not need any kind of experience to take this course. Like any Gym stuff makes you physically stronger, Yoga is similar kind of exercise that not only works for your body but also strengthen mental power. This is the article that will give up beginners knowledge about Yoga, Yoga Asana, Yoga Teacher Training Course and Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal. The article has been written by the founder of Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat Center Guru Yogi Dr. Bal Krishna Khanal.

What is Yoga ?

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" which means to join meaning of the word Yoga is unity or oneness. In spiritual term Yoga as the union of the individual consciousness. Yoga is unison of body, mind and emotions balancing and harmonizing among them. It can be obtained through practices of Shatkarma, Yogasana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and Meditation.

Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati performing various asanas and practicing meditation. These ruins were once the dwelling place of people who lived in the pre-Vedic age before the Aryan civilization started to flourish in the Indus subcontinent. According to mythical tradition, Shiva is said to be the founder of Yoga and Parvati, his first disciple. Lord Shiva is widely considered to be the symbol or embodiment knowledge, will and action, and is responsible for all creation. This force or energy is also known as "Kundalini shakti," the cosmic force which lies dormant in all beings. Parvati is regarded as the mother of the whole universe. The individual soul is embodied and bond to the world of name and form and also liberated from the bondage of the world and united with supreme consciousness through her grace. Out of love and compassion for her children, she improved her secret knowledge of liberation in the form of tantra. The techniques of Yoga have their sources in tantra and the two as consciousness, Shiva, cannot be separated from energy, shakti.

Eastern society has been following Vedic Science for centuries. Many spiritual teachers are known as 'Sadhu', 'Swami', 'Rishi', Guru etc. Rishi Kapila, who created the first systematic philosophy of mankind, the 'Samkhya'. Since the truth could not be found spontaneously any more, it had to be reached in systematic steps. Kapila's great achievement was that he created a meditation system that guided students to freedom using a completely rational scientific method totally free of any religious influence. His appearance marked the beginning of the age or phase of philosophy. Among many spiritual teachers modern explainer of Yoga science is "Maharsi Patanjali". He has written "Patanjali Yoga sutra”. According to Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Yoga control the thought (Chitta). It restraints a mental operation. As he describes the root cause of every illness is uncontrolled of thought. Patanjali has described 'Astang Yoga' (Eight types of Yoga), which are:
i.    Yama   ii.    Niyama

iii.   Asana  iv.   Pranayama

v.   Pratayahara   vi.   Dharana

vii.    Dhyana   and    viii.    Samadhi

Why we need Yoga ?

Yoga provides physical, mental and spiritual health. Yoga can be used for preventive and curative purpose. Yoga is a Holistic Living for healthy, happiness, harmony and higher capacity buildup. As a medical applications of yoga has integrated approach of yoga therapy to face the challenge of psychosomatic aliments and psychiatric problems. As an educational applications to fill the vacuum in the present system by introducing the technology of yoga for all-round personality development. Yoga can be use in this executive world as a techniques for stress management.
Yoga Sadhak (students) can be use yoga sadhana to unravel the hidden dimensions of human consciousness by advance level practice of yoga.

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What is Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) ?

Yoga Teacher Training (TTC) provides a professional teacher of Yoga with perfect knowledge and confidence.
Curriculum covers beginners to advance levels. It start as beginners and carry up to advance where all faculty and levels of students can join and learn, theory and practice easily.
After completing TTC Yoga Teacher can be registered in global yoga alliance and can start their career globally as a Yoga Teacher.
This profession has glamour attraction globally because Yoga Teacher Training offers rewarding career prospectus to those students who want to earn fat salaries. 
Teachers can teach perfect teaching learning techniques, it covers Satkarma (six types of cleaning), Mantra chanting, Hatha Yoga, Astang Yoga, [Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyaher, Dharana, Dhyan (Meditation) and Samadhi], chakras, anatomy and physiology, ayurveda, mudras and different meditation and yoga methods.

Why choose Nepal for Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Nepal is a beautiful country with her natural and cultural resource. World’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848 meter.) is in Nepal, there are many other Himalayas standing with beautiful snow. High Land Mountain, lakes, world heritage sites, natural forest and conservation area are other beauties of Nepal. Plain land is other beauty of Nepal, southern part of Nepal is plain land, it has spread east to west completely. Wild life conservation, national Park, community forestry are the beauties of the country in plain land (Terai region). Other beautiful places are Pokhara, Nagarkot, Sauraha, Janakpur, Annapurna base camp and more. The people living from south to north and east to west have different caste, cultures and languages. 
Lord Shiva had meditated in high Himalayas of Nepal. Nepal is the origin country of Yoga. Lord Shiva is the symbol of supreme consciousness and Parbati represents supreme knowledge, she is regarded spiritual mother of the whole universe.
Nepal is spiritual country. Lord Buddha was born in Nepal. Lumbini is the birth place of Buddha; it is located in plain land (Terai) of Nepal. Many saints meditated and were enlightened in this holy region.
Kathmandu, one of ancient cities and cultural centers of the world is situated at the southern foothills of Great Himalayas. Surrounded with snow capped mountains and green hills, it offers the glory our combination of natural with her population more than five million. Kathmandu is the city of temples, diversified cultures and ethnicities.

Also Check out our post about 5 facts that makes Nepal different from other countries


Why Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat ?

Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat is completely following Hatha (classical) and Astanga yoga style and retreat system. Highly qualified professional personalities are working in this Institute. We are providing divine atmosphere to practice yoga, meditation and more. Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat is located in naturally landscape beautiful place. It is 22 km far from Tribhuban International Airport and 24 km from tourist hub Thamel. Surrounding are mountains, spiritual and holy scenes of beautiful heritages Kathmandu valley can be seen. We are practicing to make the fusion of classical system and scientific research. We offer teacher’s training program, retreat program, stress management, health and spiritually lifestyle program and more.
Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat is Yoga alliance - Australia registered School. Teachers are experienced registered teacher (ERYT) in Yoga alliance Australia.
Institute is highly focusing on quality service in spiritual atmosphere. Our motto is to provide quality education and service in homily atmosphere. Brotherhood and sisterhood are the main culture of our ancient philosophy and Nepalese culture and we are practicing it.
Self-realization is the great achievement in their Yogic field. Self-practice, consciousness devotion, surrender and connection with Guru would be helpful for this great achievements. Day one starts with change gradually each and every students can achieve great goal with complete perfection.


I hope this article helps you well to understand about Yoga and Teacher Training course and why Nepali is one of the best choice 

Learn more about Yoga Teacher Training Course in Nepal Yoga Institute and Retreat Center